"He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord," said Solomon in Proverbs 18:22. Today's post is purely personal because sixteen years ago, today, I began to discover what it means to find a good thing and obtain favor from the Lord. God has graciously blessed me with a wonderful wife that is a princess among women and I must say, today, that I am very thankful for the blessing that she has been to my life.
I am sure that, from the time that it was first recorded, Proverbs chapter 31 has been the standard by which wives are measured. In that biblical portrait of a godly wife we find a woman that is far more precious than jewels and is trusted by her husband. "She does him good," Solomon says. (Proverbs 31:12 ESV) I have to say, today that my wife is indeed far more precious than any material thing. Of all the good things I have found in this life, none even begins to compare to my precious wife. I have learned over the years that I can trust her completly, in all things, because she always does right by me.
The portrait of a wife, in Proverbs 31, is not the stereotypical portriat of a housewife. Solomon doesn't portray a woman that is overly overly occupied with dirty dishes and laundry, a woman whose daily life is defined by the demands of her job, her house and her family. Rather, he portrays a strong, dignified, multi-talented, caring woman who is an individual in her own right. She is her husband’s partner, in everything he undertakes. She is the biblical fulfillment of a helpmate. She is what God created Eve to be, the extension -- the completion -- of her husband who is her partner in this life. This is, in every way possible, the kind of wife that God has blessed me with.
However, with all that she does and all that she is involved in, this precious wife of mine places here walk with God above all else. Her primary concern is God’s will in her life. I have watched her, on many occasions, sacrifice and do without so she could contribute to the work of God. She is a woman after God’s own heart. "Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain," Solomon said, "but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised." (Proverbs 31:30) This is the kind of wife that I have. She is a godly woman that demonstrates a love for God and a desire to live a life that is pleasing to Him. This, above all else, is the trademark of the woman that Solomon was describing. This is the trait that I cherish above all others.
I have discovered in my life that God has indeed blessed me, beyond my wildest expectations, with a good thing. I cherish the mornings that I get up and discover her open bible on the kitchen table. When I see that open bible, I know that some time during the night she has been up and spent time in prayer for her family. That knowledge, in the whirlwind of this life, is a treasure far greater than any other. To know that my wife is my partner in all that I do and that she stands beside me in prayer.
There is much more that I could say about my precious wife, I have learned that there is wisdom in her words and there have been many occasions that I wished, after the fact, that I had listened more closely to her advice. I am afraid that, in the hustle and bustle of this bsuy life we lead, I may have neglected, on many occasions, to tell her just how precious she is to me. So, today, in front of God and whoever happens to read this post, I want to say that from the bottom of my heart I am thankful for the wonderful lady that God has allowed me to share my life with. She is a woman of virtue, a wonderful mother, a loving wife and the crown jewel of my life.
Sixteen years ago I thought it would be impossible to love my wife any more than I already did. However, from that time to this I have discovered that I knew precious little about what it really meant to love someone. Over the years, through the hardships and victories, I have learned to love my wife in a way I didn't even know was possible. As we celebrate our 16th year together I look to the future with expectation because I know that, with her, I have discovered a love that gets sweeter as the days go by! I look forward to growing old with her by my side.
If I may depart for a momen from scripture I would like to conclude with a nice quote that I read today by none other than the illustrious Dr. Suess. He said, “You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” I want to say to my wife, today, that with you by my side reality is far better than all my dreams! I love you! Happy Anniversiary.
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